Simple Ways For Busy Moms to Serve God and Others
Maybe, like me, you have wondered what it means to be poured out for others. I often ask myself how I can serve God and others, and the more I think about it, the more I realize it simply has to do with using what we have and giving of ourselves.
Jesus placed a lot of importance on the alabaster box of ointment that Mary poured on His feet. He wanted the story to be told in memorial of her, so maybe we can learn some from it.
Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, There came unto Him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on His head, as He sat at meat. But when His disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, “To what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor.”
When Jesus understood it, He said unto them, “Why trouble ye the woman? For she hath wrought a good work upon Me. For ye have the poor always with you; but Me ye have not always. For in that she hath poured this ointment on My body, she did it for my burial. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this Gospel is preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.” (Matthew 26: 6-13)
Why Did Jesus Want the Story to be Told for a Memorial?
This account used to puzzle me. Why was it so special to God that He had a version of it in each of the Gospels? (see Mark 14: 3-9; Luke 7: 36-50; John 12: 1-8)
One day as I was reading it over, it struck me. She (let’s call her Mary, based on some of the versions) gave Jesus the most precious thing she owned. That was why it was so special to Him, it was her everything.
Mary was honoring Jesus with her act of breaking the seal and pouring the spikenard.
Others saw it as waste, but Jesus saw the heart behind it. As women and mothers, we often don’t feel like we have much to give. Others may even think we are giving wrong. But God sees our hearts and that is what matters to Him.
Also, as busy moms we may have a hard time finding time to serve others, as our own family needs us. Remember, God does not ask you to give what you don’t have, and the simplest thing can be a blessing to someone else.
Ways to Serve God
Mary poured spikenard on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair. She gave what she had, and He accepted it.
2 Corinthians 2: 14-15 says, “Now thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ and who maketh manifest through us the savor of His knowledge in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in those who are saved and in those who perish:”
Just giving of ourselves even when it hurts can be the sweet savor that God delights in.
Our lives are like alabaster boxes. We can choose to stay closed and unbroken, blessing no one. But there is a better way: we can be broken for Jesus’ sake, that the sweet scent would bless lives around us.
In all of us there is a sweet-smelling spikenard. Will we keep it to ourselves? Or will we allow the box to be broken so that God is honored and others are blessed? The lives I have been most blessed by are those who have allowed God to break them.
Ways to Serve Others
We are busy moms, so finding extra time to serve others outside our home can be really hard in some seasons. Maybe you don’t need to always be serving others than your family. The best way to serve the world is to raise your family well.
Even so, sometimes it does us good to look beyond the four walls of our homes, break the routine of our daily lives, and see a bigger world beyond. There are simple ways to bless others and consequently, to be blessed ourselves.
Visiting Others
Look around your local community. Maybe you have some lonely widows, invalids, or an elderly neighbor who would be cheered by a mom and a couple of (well-behaved) young children stopping in for a bit. Get your children to pick some flowers before you go, and teach them about the joy of giving of ourselves. Lend a helping hand if they need something done that you can do.
Give a Listening Ear
Many lonely people around us simply need a listening ear. I remind myself of this when someone stops by, even if my to-do list is long. Yes, my family is a priority, but sometimes there are things I can leave in order to be a blessing and just listen to someone for a while. I do have a long way to go in getting good at listening to others.
Handmade Gifts
Find creative ways to use what you have around the house to make simple gifts. Even a handwritten note on a simple piece of paper can be an encouragement to someone. It doesn’t take much time to write an encouraging note for someone you know who may be going through some tough times, and it can mean so much to them. Small things such as a plate of cookies can go a long way in cheering someone.
Bless Other Young Moms
I know what it is like to be busy and overwhelmed, so now when it’s a bit easier for me, if I have the chance I like to be a blessing to other moms. You can do anything as simple as asking if she needs something if you are anyway going to the grocery store. With young children, just getting out of the house can be a challenge, so this can be an easy way to be a huge blessing.
Share the Good News
In simple, everyday conversations with people we meet, we can share the hope of Jesus Christ. Of course, we shouldn’t push it onto people, but if they can see the hope with which we live, it could open their hearts to hear about the God we serve. Maybe your family could do a Bible study even in your home, for someone who would like to know more. We can show the love of Christ in many small ways as we live faithfully every day.
Teach Your Children About the Joy of Serving Others
I am blessed when one of my children helps another family member out with their basic household chores or some other thing they need to do. I cheer them on because I want them to learn the joy of serving others. The best way for children to learn about how to gladly serve others is by seeing us as parents go the extra mile for the sake of others.
As your children get older, find ways to let them serve others. Maybe there are opportunities to volunteer at some local organization like the Salvation Army or Red Cross. Even short-term mission trips can help us get out of our comfort zones. It can be so good for us to hear the stories of a homeless person or see poverty and other struggles firsthand.
Save it for Later.
It’s in the Small Things
You don’t have to do a great thing to be a blessing. Remember that often the best way to serve others is in the little things. Simple acts of kindness, kind words, making a little effort to take time for someone in our busy schedules, and the small gestures that show others we care can make a huge difference in someone’s life. We spread God’s love by simply being faithful even in the little things.
Here is an article on the difference between being poured out and wearing out that I found a blessing.
And as moms who sometimes feel like we are giving everything, I wrote about how I was able to get through some of the toughest times of motherhood here.
You don’t need a lot of time. Just come with what you have and pour it out at the feet of Jesus.
You can also find my book Praying Mothers: A Guide to Prayer for Busy Moms on Amazon if you want to purchase it in print form. I put the price about as low as I could. Get the link here.