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Prayers for Your Husband (At His Work and Home)

Pray for your husband. Say a prayer for him throughout the day as he is at work. There is so much you can pray about for your husband.

I think we underestimate how powerful prayers of a wife are. Prayer can be a great way you can be a blessing in your husband’s life, and God can work through your prayers. Let’s look at some things you can pray about.

(To be very clear, this article is not advice for struggling marriages, nor does everything I say apply to everyone. I want to encourage wives to pray for their husbands, but this is not to answer marriage problems. For that, you will need to look elsewhere. This is written for wives with good-hearted husbands. Imperfect, yes, but with a desire to be a good husband and father.)

Blessing Prayer for Your Husband at Work

Our husbands work hard to provide for us and carry a lot of weight of responsibility on their shoulders. We can bless them by cheerfully doing our part. You can also bless your husband by praying for him. Especially when he is not around, your prayers can be what God uses to protect and guide your husband. Here is a simple prayer you can pray for your husband’s work. 

Dear God, please bless my husband today as he is at work. I pray he will have a blessed day. Keep him out of harm’s way, both physically and spiritually. Help him to be a blessing to others. I ask for my husband’s protection from evil influences and foul language. Thank You for my husband and the way he provides for us. Help me to also use our resources and the money he earns wisely, and keep us from the love of money too. Thank You for providing for us through my husband’s job. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

man standing on ladder fixing an air conditioner

A Prayer for His Health

Health struggles seem to make everything else harder. You can ask God to give your husband good health according to His will and to help you all when health is a struggle.

Dear Lord, Please bless my husband’s health today. Help him to feel well so he can accomplish his duties and goals. When he struggles with his health, please heal him. And if it is Your will to teach us something through this struggle, help us to learn to rest in You and that You will provide. Amen

Pray for Him as a Husband

Maybe you are enjoying a wonderful marriage. If so, you can thank God for that. Maybe you are also struggling with some things in your marriage and how your husband does things. The best way to deal with that is to use the powerful tool of prayer. Take your husband, your marriage, the good things, and the not-so-good things to God. (I am not saying that you should never talk to him personally about issues, but talk to God first.) Ask God to work in your man and make him a better person. Your duty is to accept your husband as he is (again, I am not talking about every situation, such as abuse, etc.), but it is totally okay to pray about it if you wish your husband would be better at something. God’s work is to change him. Ask God to also work in you to make you the wife you need to be. Pray that the Bible verse (Ephesians 5:33 KJV) would be fulfilled in your marriage. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Dear Father God, Bless our marriage and help us to be a picture of You and Your love to the world. Bless my husband as he seeks to be a good husband for me. Keep our love strong. Guide us with Your Holy Spirit. Help me to be the wife I need to be for my husband today. Amen

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Pray for Your Husband as a Father

This thing of being parents can really bring out the best and the worst in us. Pray for your husband as you see him be a daddy to your children. 

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for blessing my children with a good daddy. Help him to keep his priorities straight so he can be the father our children need. Help him to show our children a picture of who You are as a Father. In the areas where he is not a perfect father, work in him. Help me also as a mom, so together we can point our children to You. Amen

Pray When Your Husband Faces a Difficult Time

Maybe today your husband is facing something hard. As wives, we are often the closest to our husband’s struggles, and it can weigh on us too. Learn to let go and let God carry the burden, and pray for your husband.

Dear Lord God, today I bring my husband to You. You see the difficult situations he is facing. Help him to stand firm and be strong in the Lord. May he find rest in You, and help me to be the wife I need to be for him in this time. Help my husband to respond correctly to this situation.  Amen

Pray About the Decisions Your Husband has to Take

Life brings us so many tough decisions. Maybe your husband is having to face some decision with his job, finances, your future, or anything else. That is a lot of responsibility. Sometimes I sure am thankful it isn’t up to me to do the hard work of making some of those tough decisions. Ask God to give your husband wisdom.

Dear God, please help my husband today as he needs to make decisions that will affect us all. Help him to know what choices to make, and lead him down the right path according to Your will. Give him wisdom. Help me to rest in the decisions he makes, and understand that ultimately You are in control. Amen.

Pray for his Spiritual Life

If your husband is following God with all his heart, that is a great blessing. If you are concerned about his spiritual life, you can take him to God, who loves him more than you do. Pray that he would understand the good news of salvation and love the Word of God. Pray, and let God do the work. 

Dear Father, Bless my husband’s heart with a desire to seek You each new day. May he feel Your presence throughout the day. Shower him with Your blessings. Help him to have a deep relationship with You and to love God’s Word. Protect him from the enemy of our souls. Help me to seek You with all my heart too. May we point others to Jesus. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Save it for later.

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Thank God for Your Husband

Remember to thank God for your husband in your daily prayer for him. A loving husband is a gift we can not take for granted.

Be a Wife That Blesses 

As wives, we have a lot of power to be a blessing in our husband’s life. Don’t underestimate the power of a praying wife. I encourage you to pray for your husband (that’s one of the best things you can do for him) and seek other ways to bless him today. I have a long way to go with this, but I am learning and trying to make it a habit. You can stick notes in somewhere where he will find them, or simply meet him with a smile when he comes home from work. Ask him if he has prayer requests that you can pray for. May God bless you as you do the good work of blessing your husband!


P.S. What are some other things you pray about for your husband?

More Articles on Prayer

Lessons We Can Learn From Praying Mothers in the Bible

A Good Morning Prayer for Mom (Start Your Day Right!)

A Mother’s Prayer for her Child (How to Pray for Your Children)

Prayer for a New Mom (+ Other Ways to Bless Her)

Supporting a Grieving Mother (+Prayers for Her)

You can also find my book Praying Mothers: A Guide to Prayer for Busy Moms on Amazon if you want to purchase it in print form. I put the price about as low as I could. Get the link here.

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